Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

A post to God

:) thank Allah SWT for everything (:
For make me learn from what is good or bad,
For give me a chance to always be good and better,

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Message to bear

Message to bear does heal me.



Exhale and be silent, then i'll be fine. (anger management)


Jam berdenting

Di ruang sesak hampa udara.
Yang Mencekik dan menghabisi,
Tik tokk..
Pada jam yang berdenting,
Yang mengisi hampanya dini hari.
Karena cicak sudah lelah berpatroli.
Kau bersuara dalam sunyi?
menjerit dalam bisu?
Atau menangis dalam hening?
Tik tokk..
Hanya suara jam yang berdenting,
Memandangi setiap pilu yang kau kisahkan tanpa sesiapa.
Hingga dinginnya hembusan kipas pun tak kau indahkan, terlupa karena sibuk sendiri.
Sibuk mencari tau pertanyaan akan jawaban yang kau buat-buat sendiri.
Bahkan saat siaran tv menanyangkan migrasi seribu semut, masih tetap kau acuhkan.
Mengorek-orek lagi kuburan yang dulu kau tangisi.
Dan kau silet nadi sendiri, lukai diri.
Tik tokk...
Lagi-lagi jamnya berdenting,
Pastikan kau masi terjaga dan ingin segera disudahi.


There is a time where i'll lose my faith and give up on everything.


Me & superman.

Me and sad memories is like superman and krypton.



When everyone count their bless, im busy counting my mistakes.


Magic spell.

There's a whimsical power from the magic spell i called it with prayer.


The reason

Everything happened for a reason, i believe in that.



I need to cherish what i had, instead of asking and blaming for more.


The ring bell

When will my bell ring?



I hate those who live in procrastination, even myself.


Head burn.

My difficulties of showing my anger, always burned my head.


The selling fish a.k.a selfish

I hate (selfish) people!


Temporary anger.

If i being rude to you, it doesnt mean that i hate you. Its just a temporary anger.


The goosfraba.

I have a worst anger management. Even goosfraba wont help.


The beast.

Dont try to bother me, you'll see the beast side of me.


Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013


I used to lie of what i want or hate.


The sucks issue.

I do pleased other people. And for certain issue, it sucks!


The best me.

No one knows me as best as i know mine.



My only happiness is to see my happy family. They're precious!


Heart broken.

It breaks my heart everytime i lie to the most important lady in my life, mom. But i keep doin that.


Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013


I want to be rich and wealthy.



Solitude is bliss, i agree. (tame impala)


Happiness maker

I have a strange obsession of being a happiness~maker.



I put my family on the top of everything.


My theraphyst.

My music playlist and the scent of candle are the best theraphy.



I enjoy my intimate relationship with my God.


Karma police.

Yes, I am a person who believe in karma, And God will be the karma~police.



The time i waste, yes i wasted it. And i regret of thousand minutes and times i've spent for nothing.



I never get the point of how can someone being so selfish and ignorance to other?



It is not because i dont trust other to finished something, it simply because i never let myself to be a lazy person.


The right thing

I hate when things are not right, according to my own definition of what's right and wrong.



I always know tat there must be something wrong with my heartbeat. But i dont think its necessary to see a doctor. So i'll just forget it.


Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013


Aku Mencoba...
berdiri, pada pijakan yang kau injak.
melihat, lewat kacamata yang kau pakai.
Dan merasa, dengan hati yang kau punya.
Aku ingin,
Meski harus aku teguk dulu pahitnya.
Meski harus aku lewati dulu 4 musim.
Jika aku mau menjadimu,
Menjelma menyerupai kamu.
Agar kau jadikan aku tempat peraduanmu.
Atau bolehkah aku?
menjadi bayangmu,
Bayang-bayang setiap harimu,
Melangkah denganmu,
Dan selalu pastikan ada dalam tiap gelapmu.
Bolehkah jika aku ingin?

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

180 derajat

aku berdiri  di sebuah mata pusat
dengan 180 derajat rotasi,
melalui mataku,
mencoba menjadi mata mu,
mata dia,
mata mereka,
dan mata kita.

hanya saja tidak sama,
yang kudapat adalah 180 derajat pandangan,
tidak memusingkan, sama sekali tidak.
justru perlahan aku nikmati.
untuk kuputari derajat demi derajat
berputar sampai derajat 180,
dan kembali ke mata pusat


love  and   hate
happiness and tears
laugh and anger
sweet and bitter
you and me